Saturday, January 21, 2012

Rattling for Late Season Success

In many areas, rattling isn't a well known tactic for hunting Blacktails. Trust me though, it works! Here are some pointers for your next late-season archery hunt.

Start by selecting a set of rattling horns with extra points (3x3 or better), and make sure they have some size to them. You can tell the difference in sound between large sheds and small ones, and I think the deer can too. I never was able to get anything to come using forky sheds, but once I went to some fairly fresh 4x4 sheds it started working extremely well.

As far as timing goes, I've found that bucks become pretty 'rattleable' about the time they begin making rubs. If you are seeing new rubs and you have a tag in your pocket, you should be in business.

The rattling itself is actually really simple- be as loud as you can! You'll feel stupid at first (at least I did), but after doing it enough you'll see that the bigger the commotion, the better the results. This is where bigger horns with more points come into play. Don't forget to rake the ground and shrubbery while you rattle. Possibly the most important factor is having the wind right. Figure out a rattling location where there is a high likelihood of bucks coming in from up wind, and a low likelihood they will come from behind you. This may sound obvious but it's important none the less! The very best scenario is to spot bucks and sneak to about 200 yards of them with the wind right, then rattle them into bow range. In almost every case I've had they have come to me on a straight line like a coyote. If rattling isn't common in your area, don't be too concerned about bucks trying to circle down wind unless you're in the wide open.

For frequency I usually do 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off. When blind rattling I give every spot at least 15 minutes, but after 25 minutes of nothing you should probably move. One more thing, they will come to rattling all day long. Not just morning and evening.

If you haven’t used any calling tactics on Blacktailed deer before, don’t be afraid to give it a try!

Here is a nice Blacktail that my dad and I rattled
 in to 19 yards at the end of the general season a 
couple years ago.

This nice little buck was rattled in to 25 yards before
seeing me and bolting into the next canyon. After 10
more minutes of rattling he was sprinting right back!
I stopped him at 30 yards and made the shot.

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