Friday, May 11, 2012

Workout Program in a Nutshell

My routine really isn't that complicated, and I don't worry about over-training. I don't count sets or pay attention to gains in the weight room because for me that's not what's important. I don't plan out my week, saying I'll do this exercise this day or I'll work this muscle group that day. It's pretty random which I think is beneficial, considering how P90X is about confusing the body and a lot of people have great success on that program. I only ride my bike 1-2 times per week, but I hit the spin room in the school gym fairly often. Using my heart rate monitor and the spin bike I can get a lot more done strength and cardio wise than being out on the road. On the spin bike I will keep my HR over 180 for 45 minutes while doing intervals up to 220 BPM a number of times in that time frame. This is where most of my fat burning occurs. I applied to be a spin instructor next semester at the school, which I'm pretty sure I'll get. That will be sweet!

In the weight room I refuse to be like all the static, huge upper-bodied, chicken legged guys that hang around in there. Most of my weight exercises involve the entire body which gets the HR up. If you Youtube Lance Armstrong's weight training program, you will see where I got a lot of my lifts from. They aren't made for packing on large amounts muscle, but they add small amounts of muscle at a time while really helping out balance and core strength. And they make me sweat! I like to throw in heavy squats 2-3 times per week when I'm feeling extra strong.

The other day I let one of my professors talk me into taking her PiYo (Pilates-Yoga) class. I decided to go, but didn't expect much. I was wrong! It was awesome, as I got a great core workout mixed with some serious stretching and balance work. What this did was teach me the importance of stretching which I never did properly before. I really think flexibility is hugely underestimated. I will now be incorporating a number of the stretching and balance positions I learned in that class to my weekly routine.

As far as supplements go, I take a lot of protein (3 27 gram shakes/day), a big spoonful of Creatine/day, and Muscle Pharm Assault before each workout. Since taking the MP, I have been able to repeat the same workouts 3 days in a row sometimes without feeling over-exerted.

Nutrition has probably been the biggest factor in getting in really good shape. I don't know how many calories I eat each day, but it can't be many... even though I feel like I'm always eating. My favorite post-workout dinner right now is steamed veggies with pasta and a little Yoshidas marinade with a chicken breast or steak from something I killed. I'm trying to limit most of my carbs to post-workout when they will be used for recovery. During the day just a ton of water and healthy snacks almost hourly.

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